Learning My A, B, C's



This lesson identifies key areas of preschool language and literacy development and the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) reading and writing goals for preschoolers. It discusses age-appropriate teaching strategies and activities for literacy development. Emergent writing skills and age-appropriate teaching strategies are also discussed.


IDENTIFY four key areas of preschool language and literacy development.

RECALL National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) reading and writing goals for preschoolers.

DEFINE the terms explicit instruction, alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, print awareness, and emergent writing skills.

RECALL preschool skills that demonstrate alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, print awareness, and oral language development.

RECALL teaching strategies that support preschool alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, print awareness, and oral language instruction.

RECALL activities that support instruction involving preschool alphabetic knowledge, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, print awareness, and oral language.

IDENTIFY emergent writing skills.

RECALL teaching strategies that support preschool writing instruction.

RECALL activities that support preschool writing instruction.